
Gentili Vini

Brand identity, Creative Identities, Logo, Packaging

Gentili Vini

Gentili Vini
san verolo vino rosso Gentili
Logo Gentili vini

Gentili produces natural wines underlining the importance of the synergy among the man, the earth and the animals that together contribute to the character of its wines.
This is the concept of Gentili rebranding expressed through the new wine labels, packaging and identity design.

– Logo, Wine labels, Packaging, Business card and letterhead, Corks –

Packaging Gentili vino
dettaglio etichetta vino gentili
Packaging vino Gentili 6 bottiglie
san verolo bianco etichetta vino
Gentili bottiglie vino
Packaging vino Gentili
cartografia gentili
tappi gentili vini
Business card Gentili

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