
Sara Delicatessen

Brand identity, Creative Identities, Logo, Packaging

Sara Delicatessen

Sara Delicatessen
Identity sara OKKKK
Logo Sara 480x960
Vasetto sara okkkk

Sara is truly the juice of life.
The cultivation of fruit and vegetables for generations, a belief in one’s own product, bestowing it with all possible qualities. How is it possible to transfer such values? Conveying your own uniqueness through a story made of images,words and jam jars.

– Logo, Packaging, Brochure, Business card and letterhead, Labels, Stickers, Shopper, Poster, Flyer, Gift box, Envelopes –

Brochure sara 960x960 okk
Slider sara OKKK1920x950
Cartografia Sara 960x960
tutti pack e shopper sara
Pack succhi e olio
Pack marmellate 4 vasetti
tutti prodotti sara
elenco prodotti e sacchetto

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